We have a decision looming. In less than two months we will need to say goodbye to our beloved Prunus Avium. We have exhausted all of the options and sadly it will be impossible to save the cherry tree. We've thought of moving it but because of its size the tree would not be able to withstand the transplant. We considered designing our home around it but we would have ended up with hallways for rooms rather than the open space we were hoping for. So sadly, the end of a fruitful era is in sight and we will be laying to rest a giant.
To appease our guilt and honour a tree that has given delicious berries for several years, we are putting the call out to friends and family for ideas on what to do with the cherry tree.
Share your idea by June 20th and you'll have a chance to win an autographed photo of Brendon's foot in the tree. Oh yah, we know it's what you've always wanted! Only the best suggestions have a chance of winning so send in your plans and shape the future for this special cherry tree.

Well - who could resist an autographed copy of Brendon's foot...is that the left or the right? I'd quite like the titanium screws as part of the deal if I win...I'm missing a couple on my Lightspeed.
ReplyDeleteSo...cherry is a beautiful wood for carving and fine woodwork. Take all main branches and trunk and turn into banisters, stair toes, railings, door or window frame for front door etc etc....as much as the wood will allow. Oh, and of course - a toilet seat for your main throne! One catch...it needs to be treated carefully once cut, or it will dry and split. So you'll need to look into the conditions needed (humidity etc.) to get it dried and cut....maybe find a fine wood working specialist...
Leaves and sawdust - compost for your new garden...ashes to ashes...
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ReplyDeleteUse some of the original trunk or branches as a cat scratching post in your house!
ReplyDeleteThis is a little unorthodox but I say you cut it down, put it on the back of a flatbed truck and drive around the neighborhood with a loudspeaker saying: "See this?!? This is what happens to trees that get in our way. You should see what we did with the kitten that Brendon found in the driveway. Don't f*@% with us!!!"
ReplyDeleteHow about a cane for your bum leg.
ReplyDeleteSimple. Go to http://www.envirotreemilling.com/ and use the wood!
ReplyDeleteAmen Panos. Use that beautiful cherry wood for all the trimmings in your home.
ReplyDeleteP.S. This is Heather
Good reead