It's been almost 10 years since either Brendon or myself lived out of a backpack or panniers. I was in my twenties when I biked through South America carrying few outfits, stilettos (essential for Argentina), a passport and a diary. When I came home from that trip I felt a strong commitment to live on less and the sense that there is freedom in having fewer things. Partially this was because I was forced to survive on what I could carry on my bike. But I think there is a little more to it than that. The experience also reoriented me towards things that were really important - and none of them had to do with things.
When Brendon and I move into our mini home we'll be loosing almost 200 square feet, going from 900+ square feet to just over 700 feet of living space. We can't do this without getting rid of tonnes of stuff so last week we started going through all of our things and figuring out what we can part with. A friend recommended that we approach this with the goal of clearing out 50% of our stuff. Apparently, this is a benchmark for de-cluttering a home since most people use less than a quarter of what they own, so half will still leave you feeling like you have enough. While the fact we're moving into a smaller space is definitely an incentive, I feel a little revolutionary about trying to get away from the constant call to "Buy, buy, buy!". That's not to say that we'd renounce all earthly pleasures and live on fairy dust and moonbeams but it does mean that I like the idea about being more deliberate about what we own.

Okay, so I'm getting a little too philosophical here. Let's get back to business. Since Saturday last week Brendon and I have been getting things ready for a garage sale this weekend. So far we've pulled together everything from amazing camping equipment to top of the line speakers (you getting my hints here?). But I have to admit that my favourite part has been going through Brendon's boxes of childhood keepsakes. I don't think I've ever met anyone who has collected as many things as Brendon when they were kids. Let me just run through a few of my favourites:
1. Alf cards
2. Tin Tin books
3. Garbage pail kids cards
4. Rocks
5. Smurf figurines (over 50)
6 Coins
7. Comic books

Want to get a sighting of any one of these collections? Stop by 3597 West 23rd this Saturday June 11th between 10am and 2pm for an awesome garage sale!